Tuesday, November 30, 2010

~ New Jersey

Another heart finish from Monday. 
This one is New Jersey, the 3rd state to ratify the Federal Constitution on  December 18, 1787.  Its nickname, “The Garden State” is represented on this heart by the flower garden stitched below the state name. The origin of this name can be traced back to Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Browning, who referred to New Jersey as a large barrel full of good things to eat and open on both ends, with both New York and Pennsylvania eating from its agricultural produce. 

 The purple Violet was designated as the state flower in 1913, although the sunflower received the most votes.  The American Goldfinch is the state bird and  the motto for the state is Liberty and Prosperity.  The specialty stitch on this heart, the Cushion Stitch, represents the residential communities in this state. 

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